Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Vanilla Cycles Cyclocross Clinic

Speedvagens galore, well only really like 5.  But nonetheless they are a beautiful piece of bicycle machinery.

Tonight was night 1 of Team Vanilla Cyles cyclocross clinic series.  I was pretty excited to get out there and see who showed up.  While my High-Five is yet to come to america yet,  I was readying the On-One this afternoon.  I built up a single-speed tubular wheelset to race on.  Now there were a lot of little things I had to get done to transfer the On-One back into a racing bike and quite frankly I was running out of time.  So I took the "big girl" my 29'er mountain bike.  This isn't really that absurd because, the "big girl" is light (21 lbs) and has drop bars on it.   It would make a decent cross rig if I threw on a different wheelset,  I am keeping her in my back pocket for the cross series out here just in case it ever gets real crazy wet/muddy.

"Big  Girl" worked just fine all night.   The clinic was  mainly dealing with the technical aspects of mounting/dismounting/barriers/ect...  My mounts/dismounts and high speed turning are all in good shape, I just need to get into good shape.  Tonight was just the motivation I needed to kick my butt into gear.  Technical skill wise I was on par or slightly better than the group I was with (seasoned riders).  The first race is about one month and I am getting very very excited!!!

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